Unlock the Broodling of Sinestra, a highly sought-after flying mount, without spending countless hours farming Timewalking dungeons. This mount, priced at 5000 Timewarped Badges, is only available during Cataclysm Timewalking, making it a challenging and time-consuming grind. With Koroboost, you can skip the effort and claim your reward effortlessly!
Here’s why you should buy Broodling of Sinestra with Koroboost:
The Broodling of Sinestra can be purchased from the Timewalking vendor Kiatke during Cataclysm Timewalking events. Kiatke is located in Stormwind (76.6, 16.6) and Orgrimmar (52.0, 41.6). To obtain the mount, you’ll need 5000 Timewarped Badge, which are earned through various Timewalking activities, such as:
Earning this many badges requires significant time and effort, as they’re awarded in small quantities per activity. With Koroboost, you can skip the grind and enjoy your new mount stress-free!